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JEE/NEET 2020: 10 tips for the last few days


JEE 2020/NEET 2020: 10 tips for the last few days

Last few weeks before JEE/NEET play a very crucial role in the preparation of the student. They can actually make or break your preparation. Make if you are on the right track and break you if you get distracted. In this article, I will be sharing what to do and what not to do in the last few days before the exams. 

Tip 1: Intense Review:

·        The biggest mistake is to run after more and more new content. Remember success and failure in  JEE/NEET  is dependent on what you know and not on what you don’t know so focus all your energies on consolidating all your knowledge

·         Many times we get confused in the examination hall that is due to lack of revision

·         Under no circumstance should you solve new problems in the last few days? Focus your attention on the main points of revision. Time is very limited and how you spend it, is important. Focus on the rapid notes and questions marked in the consolidation phase

Tip 2: Practice lot of Output:

·      Success is dependent on what extent a student is able to convert his knowledge (input) into net score (output).

     Results of a survey said that most of the students fail not because of lack of knowledge (input) but because of the inability to convert the input into an output. So rather than passive revision focus on Active Recall/make mind maps/practice questions with time limit.

·      In Spite of this, it has been frequently seen that the student still spends 99% of his energy and time in gaining input i.e. acquiring more and more knowledge and ignoring output.

Tip 3: Take as many JEE/NEET Mock tests as possible:

·        We all must have faced situations where we solve questions immediately after the exam. The reason for this loss is examination tension and pressure which can be reduced by mock tests. Test helps in giving finishing touches and improving output.

·         The test should tell you where you are, where you have to be what is the gap and how exactly that gap can be filled up. The test should act as a tool to improve output.

·         Post-test analysis is very important but our internal research shows that very few students lay emphasis on post-test analysis, fewer still identify their strong & weak areas & very few of the rest learn how to avoid these mistakes in the future. Remember the key to success is identifying the mistakes and avoiding them in future. 

·         After each test analyze your performance for at least 1 to 2 hours to find out where did you go wrong & what are the areas of improvement (is it the speed of the strike rate or both or something else). Post-test analysis should clearly identify your strengths & weaknesses so that you can work upon your weaknesses before you take the next test.

Tip 4:
 Finalize the test-taking strategy for JEE/NEET 2020 :

·         Decide the sequence of sections

·         Decide time for each section

·         Be ready for surprises

Tip 5: Avoid talking about your preparation of JEE/NEET 2020 and state of mind with others.  When with friends; try not to talk excessively about how nervous you are, how you are going to perform, and what the final results might be. This will only succeed in making you more nervous and will take your attention off your preparation.

Tip 6: Post a lot of positive messages around your Study Table:  enhance your self-esteem by surrounding yourself with positive messages. Post your family images. Your parents and family give you a lot of strength. Paste pictures where you have won prizes. One of the toppers I interacted with said every morning the first thought he used to focus was visualizing that he is going to CRACK the exam( JEE/NEET 2020)

Tip 7: Relax the day before the JEE/NEET 2020. Do what you like the best or do what makes you happy or motivate you. Anxiety and excitement are normal on the eve of the examination. Suppress excessive worry.

Tip 8: Verify the exact location of your examination center at least one day before the exam. It is advised that if possible you should go to the JEE/NEET 2020 Test Centre along with somebody. It can be your parents, uncle, elder brother, or even your friend. Check the exact time of the commencement of your examination. Plan to be there at least half-an-hour before the scheduled time. If commuting is going to take you half an hour, you shall start at least an hour before the examination starts

Tip 9: Have a light meal and Good sleep. Listen to some soft music. Go to bed at least by 10.30 p.m. not later. At this point, an hour of sleep is more valuable to your performance than an hour of extra cramming. In fact, it is advised to go to bed a little earlier than usual. This way, even if you do not sleep well, you will still get enough rest.

Tip 10: Be mentally strong.  Just think that you have worked hard throughout the year for JEE/NEET 2020 and tomorrow is going to be your day. As Sachin Tendulkar once said “Matches are fought and won in the mind, not in the field”


To Watch the Video: Get Ready for NEET/JEE Exams 2020

About the Author
Mr. Avinash Agarwal is a seasoned counselor in the field of academics and life skills. He is a B-Tech in Computer Science followed by MBA from MDI, Gurgaon. Densely exposed to students, teachers, and administrators in India as well as abroad, he has worked diligently for the transformation of classroom teaching. He is on a mission to empower millions of students by helping them reach their full potential and excel not only in exams but also in life. In the last 15 years, he has taken hundreds of seminars and workshops touching the lives of lakhs of teachers and students. His recent book on teacher empowerment, “I am a teacher” is an exemplar of that. Besides being a study coach, he is also a travel enthusiast and an avid sportsman.

To Know More About The Author Click Here


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